Who are we?

Welcome to our world

We are experienced advisors in enterprise, product and development management, acquisitions and operations, partnerships and business development.

Very often these engagements are for businesses which carry high investment value, complexity, risk, or demands for regulatory constraints, requiring extended efforts in compliance and system life-cycle management and assurance.

What these projects and engagements very often involve, fall in establishing and evolving requirements management for lean, market driven, customer centric solutions. Or in improving performance of operations through Enterprise Management, align with strategy using Capability Management, or finding market fit with Product and Portfolio Management.

Notwithstanding that, a very frequent topic has also been Systems Engineering Management, in particular for Acquisitions, Contracts and in Collaborative Partnerships. A particular aspect of it, is with requirements management for safety and mission critical systems, and their design and product assurance activities.

In these projects, we have served as engineering director, product manager and in other managerial positions, with staff, budget and P/L responsibilities for multi-site international teams in global organizations, in processes, methods, tools, for variety of business objectives and functions enabling Assurance, Alignment, and Assessment of their performance and capabilities.

We invite you to take a peek into the Services section, and get some further insights to these topics and where these might benefit You and Your organisation.